Your Cup
A couple of weeks ago one of my friends invited me to their church to hear them sing and give a talk. Although I'm not a member of a...

Introduction Earlier this summer the Supreme Court ruled that the authorities must obtain a search warrant prior to tracking your cell...
Underwater Basket Weaving
What Comes Next? I’ve been sending out a lot of high school graduation cards this month. I try to distill into each one something the...

Introduction Can you remember a meeting where the terms “off-course” “on the right track” or “move forward” were not used? Unfortunately,...

Understanding Audio Dynamics: Part 1
Introduction In the world of music and sound production, audio dynamics and the control thereof is a core concept. And like most of the...

Leadership: Is Anyone Following You?
Tuesday, October 21, 2006 was celebrated as Halloween in most of the United States. My team of engineers and help desk associates were...

What is Compliance Training?
Introduction The late Jay Cross, who is credited with coining the term “e-learning”, galvanized the crucial difference between...

Tactical Planning
We talked a bit in last week's blog about strategic planning and the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) matrix as a...

Understanding the Regulatory Environment Part 1: "The Case for Oversight"
Abstract This series of articles is written for air crew entering commercial operations for the first time. They provide a context to...

It doesn't matter if you're a new business owner, a new home owner, or a student trying to determine which of a thousand possible career...

The Basics of Side Chaining
Nihil sub sole novum (There is nothing new under the sun). The ability to configure VST plugins with a side chain is appearing in more...

SWA Complete Cubase Pro 9.5
This comprehensive Cubase video tutorial was written for the Cubase user who has a basic understanding of how to use Cubase but wants to...

Cubase Pro 9.5
Check out our latest advertorial for Cubase Pro 9.5. Written and directed by Combined Minds Media, produced by Streamworks Audio for...

FAA Safety Team -- How to File a Report
Still not sure how to file those reports? Check out this video series.

WaveLab Pro9!
A revolutionary new user interface based on a ribbon and tab layout concept for instant access to all vital program functions is only one...